About Us

Welcome! As a fellow homeowner who has spent countless hours searching the web for reliable repair information, I understand your frustration with the fluff and lack of practical advice out there.

That’s why I’ve created this platform to share my personal knowledge and experiences with you.

Here’s the name behind our journey.

1. Sven Barrios (Owner)

  • Name: Sven Barrios
  • Address: Berkeley, California
  • Some Words: Sven Barrios is a seasoned plumbing expert based in Berkeley, California. With over 15 years of experience in the plumbing industry, he has become a trusted source for all your plumbing needs. Sven specializes in residential plumbing repairs, maintenance, and eco-friendly plumbing solutions. His passion for sustainable plumbing practices makes him a valuable contributor to our website.

2. Albert Maldonado (Plumbing Professional)

  • Name: Albert Maldonado
  • Address: Edinburg, Texas
  • Bio: Meet Albert Maldonado, a dedicated plumbing professional hailing from Edinburg, Texas. With a decade of hands-on experience in both residential and commercial plumbing, Albert is well-versed in tackling even the most complex plumbing issues. His expertise extends to water heater installations, sewer line repairs, and efficient plumbing system design. Albert is committed to ensuring your plumbing systems run smoothly.

3. Tobias Machiridza (Long distance plumbing friend :))

  • Name: Joseph
  • Address: Entebbe, Uganda
  • Bio: Joseph, our plumbing expert from Entebbe, Uganda, brings a unique perspective to our team. With years of experience in plumbing services across diverse environments, Joseph excels in understanding the plumbing challenges faced in different regions. He specializes in innovative water-saving solutions and sustainable plumbing practices, making him a valuable asset to our international readership.