FIP vs NPT | Is FIP the same as NPT?


3 minutes

FIP (Female Iron Pipe) and NPT (National Pipe Thread) are two types of pipe threads that are commonly used in plumbing and piping systems. They are both tapered threads, which means that the thread gets wider as it goes deeper into the fitting. This taper helps to create a tight seal when two fittings are screwed together.

Is FIP the same as NPT?

FIP (Female Iron Pipe) and NPT (National Pipe Thread) are not the same but are closely related.

FIP is like a female thread with inside threads. It’s used at the ends of pipes to connect to other fittings or valves.

NPT is like a male thread with outside threads. It’s used on valves or fittings to connect to pipes or other fittings.

What is the difference between FIP and NPT?

FIP (Female Iron Pipe) and NPT (National Pipe Thread) are two types of threads used in plumbing. They’re a bit different but have some similarities. Below we have detail info about FIP vs NPT.

Thread Type

FIP is like a female thread, fitting over the outside of a male fitting. NPT is a male thread, screwing into the inside of a female fitting.


FIP is used at the ends of pipes to connect them to other fittings. NPT is found on valves or fittings, screwing into the inside of other fittings.


To stop leaks, FIP and NPT threads need pipe dope or sealant applied. This fills the gaps between threads to prevent fluid leaks.

Size Range

FIP and NPT fittings come in different sizes, from 1/4 inch to 6 inches, for various plumbing needs.


Both FIP and NPT threads follow standards set by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). This makes sure they have consistent sizes and materials.

When should I use FIP vs NPT?

When to Use FIP

Use FIP fittings when you need to connect a male-threaded fitting or pipe to the end of a pipe. For instance, connecting a showerhead to a shower arm or attaching a faucet to a water supply pipe.

When to Use NPT

Use NPT fittings when you need to connect a female-threaded fitting or pipe to the body of a valve or other fitting. For example, connecting a pressure gauge to a valve or attaching a pipe to a fitting elbow.

What are the key differences between FIP and NPT fittings?

The comparison of drain pipes between FIP and NPT fittings mainly lies in their thread types. FIP fittings have internal threads, while NPT fittings have tapered male threads. This key difference affects the way they are connected and sealed, making them suitable for different applications and environments.

Are FIP and NPT interchangeable?

In general, FIP and NPT threads are interchangeable, meaning an FIP fitting can be screwed into an NPT fitting, and vice versa. However, there are exceptions. For instance, a FIP fitting with a National Pipe Straight Mechanical (NPSM) thread will not fit into an NPT fitting due to differences in thread design.

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