Repair Scratches on Matte Black Faucet | 5 Solution


3 minutes

Matte black faucets are a popular choice for many homeowners because of their sleek and modern look. However, like any faucet, they can become scratched over time. If you have a matte black faucet with scratches, don’t worry! There are several ways to repair them.

In this blog post, we will discuss five solutions for repairing scratches on a matte black faucet. These solutions include:

  • Baking soda and water
  • Magic Eraser
  • Car polish
  • Matte black touch-up paint
  • Matte black touch-up pen
Repair Scratches on Matte Black Faucet

Baking soda and water:

Baking soda is a mild abrasive that can help to remove scratches from surfaces. It is also a natural cleaner, so it is safe to use on most surfaces. When mixed with water, baking soda forms a paste that can be applied to the scratched area and rubbed in gently with a soft cloth or sponge. This will help to remove the scratch and restore the original finish of the surface.

Magic Eraser:

A Magic Eraser is a type of melamine foam that is very effective at removing dirt and grime from surfaces. It is also slightly abrasive, so it can be used to remove scratches from surfaces. To use a Magic Eraser to remove a scratch, simply dampen it with water and rub it gently over the scratched area. Be sure to use a light touch, as the eraser can be abrasive.

Car polish:

Car polish is a type of wax that is used to protect and shine car finishes. It can also be used to remove scratches from surfaces. To use car polish to remove a scratch, apply a small amount to a soft cloth and rub it gently over the scratched area. Be sure to choose a polish that is safe for matte finishes.

Matte black touch-up paint:

Matte black touch-up paint is a type of paint that is specifically designed to repair scratches and chips on matte black surfaces. To use touch-up paint, simply apply a small amount to the scratched area with a small brush or sponge. Be sure to allow the paint to dry completely before buffing it with a soft cloth.

Matte black touch-up pen:

Step 1: Start by cleaning the faucet to get rid of any dirt or debris. You can use mild soap and water or a faucet cleaner for this.

Step 2: After cleaning, gently sand the scratch with fine-grit sandpaper. This roughens up the surface, so the touch-up pen sticks better. Be careful not to sand too hard and damage the faucet’s finish.

Step 3: Now, use a matte black touch-up pen to fill in the scratch. Follow the pen’s instructions. It’s usually best to apply it in thin coats, letting each coat dry before adding the next.

Step 4: Once the touch-up pen is completely dry, use a soft cloth to buff the area. This helps blend the fixed spot with the rest of the faucet.

-Can Frost-Free Faucets Also Get Scratched and How to Repair Them?

Frost-free faucets, while durable, are not impervious to scratches and wear. Addressing damage quickly preserves functionality. For proper maintenance, employ frostfree faucet identification tips to determine the specific model. Once identified, source the right repair kit to replace worn washers or o-rings, seamlessly restoring the faucet’s pristine condition.


  • Always test any method on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure that it does not damage the finish of the faucet.
  • When using any abrasive, be sure to use a light touch. Rubbing too hard can damage the finish of the faucet.
  • Be sure to rinse the faucet thoroughly with water after using any abrasive.
  • If you are using a touch-up paint, be sure to follow the instructions on the can carefully.

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